Como editar FOTOS NOTURNAS no Lightroom

How to edit NIGHT PHOTOS in Lightroom

In today’s video we will see how to edit night photos using Lightroom. With this style of editing you will be able to raise the maximum potential of your night photos

How to edit NIGHT PHOTOS in Lightroom

Hey guys!

In today’s video we will see how to edit night photos in Lightroom. The first thing about night shots that can pull you through will be probably the ISO you shot with. So it is quite common to see countless night photos using long exposure

In addition to creating a nice effect it also helps to keep the noise generated by very high ISO settings controlled

Usually in night shots the first thing you’re going to worry about is white balance. In night photos the natural lighting is not warm, so you’ll have to use a white balance that helps create the night’s mood, white balance tending to blue helps a lot. Watch last week’s video to see how easy it is to adjust the white balance perfectly.

Another important point of this type of editing are the highlights, highlights, and shadows regions, which are black regions of the photo.

These regions can contain important details for your photo, so it is common to raise the shadow adjustment and lower the detail adjustment

After these adjustments you will want to give a nice treatment to the black and white regions of the photo, be careful with these adjustments to not leave many areas purely white and black in the photo.

Clarity will touch the details of the gray tones of the photo, and in night photography you will want to improve the details of the photo

Saturation and vibration work differently, vibration works only in shades more similar to skin tone, while saturation works in all colors.

It is worth playing a little with each of these adjustments to achieve the expected result

I always like to work the sky of the photos, and in this case I will take some of this blue with a gradient filter.

If you want to see more about local Lightroom filters there is a video on the channel about them.

Learn how to use Lightroom in 7 days here

In all local Lightroom filters you can use the eraser to delete the filter in regions where you don’t want it to work. To help decrease the blues of the photo I will use the Lightroom color tab and decrease the saturation of the blue and purple color

And as this is a long exposure photo where the headlights of cars create this trail effect, I will increase the saturation of the reds so that these trails are more apparent.

You can also use a brush to improve the appearance of the tracks, using a brush with higher saturation.

Tip, if you want to make a straight line with the brush click on point A holding the SHIFT key and then click on point B so you create a straight line. To give that face more of film we can use the split toning feature of Lightroom.

There you can choose a prominent color for the light areas of the photo and another color for the dark areas of the photo.

The amount of detail is super important, because in night photos you will have low light, so using the Lightroom sharpening tool will help you.

I always like to use the curve adjustment, to create a Matte, or matte fit because I like the visual result!

That’s it.

For more videos like this don’t forget to subscribe to the channel, comment, leave your like and share with everyone.

See you next week

Written by Rix Mascarenhas

Rix Mascarenhas is a photographer, videographer, and drone pilot at

Art lover, always involved with crafts, design, painting etc... As a photographer, I enjoy taking pictures and creating stories that have meaning and help people to thrive. My work is guided by the stories behind each scene that really represent the moment.


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