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5 things to keep a perfect focus

There are a few issues in photography that you can fix – noisy images, distractions in the background, white balance – but staying focused is not one of them. Always having that photo with the perfect focus, sharp, can lead you to pull your hair out of your head.

Even with the magic of the Sharpen Mask or the Lightroom tools, you can’t go far outside the threshold at which the photo was taken.

And the best tips to always have the photo with the perfect focus start here.

5 things to keep a perfect focus

Single focus point.

Simple focus point - perfect focus

This is the first big question to ask yourself. Use or not single focus point? 

There are many ways to think here, but when using the high focus of the machine, always remember to choose the mode of auto focus, because with it it is possible to define which area in which the photo will be with the perfect focus.

Like for example when you are doing a portrait, and set up the photo point for the region of the eyes of the staff to be photographed.

You can also opt for manual focusing to get a perfect focus, and this is well worth it when doing macrophotography or night shots.

Moving objects

perfect focus

Damn how it moves, how am I going to get a perfect focus? Who has never asked this question when shooting, but with the features of current machines you only go without the answer if you do not know how to use the settings of them.

Most dslr machines on the market today have an adjustment called continuous AF, also known as servo AI in Canon cameras. It allows the Af of the camera to track the object to be photographed.

Like for example a bride walking in a hallway, a child playing or birds flying.

Continuous AF is very useful, but at some point you will shoot something that is faster than the high focus system is able to follow. Ai in this case you should go back to the simple focus setting and pre focus on an area where the object to be photographed will be.

One of the best examples of this are very fast cars, wild animals and some birds.

 Fast enough shutter speed?

Shutter Speed - Perfect Focus

The old rule about shutter speed the need to have at least a second divided by the focal length of the lens still remains widely nowadays. For example if you are shooting with a 50mm the shutter speed should be at least 1/50 sec or faster.

Lenses with image stabilization help, but if always keep the shutter speed with a proper fit.

Very slow adjustments will cause blurs in your photos, and this won’t help you have a perfect focus.

Is the ISO adjustment sufficient?

Canon ISO Control - Perfect Focus

There will be times that you will have to get your hand into the ISO setting, probably to improve light conditions and be able to adjust the shutter speed at the required speed.

Not to soften and adjust the ISO, most equipment today can handle noise well in photos in adjustment up to ISO 3200.

Certainly if you are below ISO 3200 you will only notice the noise when you enlarge the photo on the computer, and even if it will make an impression of this image it will come out nifty.

See more on exhibition here

Who needs a tripod?

Why you need a tripod - perfect focus

Even if you don’t like uploading it will always be your best friend when the business is taking photos with mayor focus.

Don’t underestimate a good tripod, even if you have a lens with stabilization system, it will give you a much better support than your hands to take photos with perfect focus.

You can also be using the countdown setting to activate the shutter button or even a remote control, to definitely ensure that nothing moves while you make that wonderful photo.

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Written by Rix Mascarenhas

Rix Mascarenhas is a photographer, videographer, and drone pilot at

Art lover, always involved with crafts, design, painting etc... As a photographer, I enjoy taking pictures and creating stories that have meaning and help people to thrive. My work is guided by the stories behind each scene that really represent the moment.


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